Lactose intolerance is very common throughout North America and much of the world. Lactose is milk sugar and many people simply stop producing the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose, found in diary products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.). The end result can be painful gas and bloating, even diarrhea.
Those that are lactose intolerant have a few options, some better than the others.
Invariably, you will discover soy-based products. However, soy has a flavor that is not universally appealing, and some soy products are better than others. Soy milk is not cow’s milk, however, and never will be.
You can buy the lactase enzyme in tablet form, which you simply consume with the dairy product. The tablets, however, are inconvenient and work better for some people than for others.
However, if you are lactose intolerant, you have options! For example, did you know that not all cheese have lactose in them? Most hard, dried cheeses are naturally lactose-free, such as Swiss cheese, sharp cheddar cheese, and parmesan cheese. You should be careful, though, because not all cheeses are made the same way – some fat-free cheeses and some processed cheeses have “milk solids” added back in to them, which, unfortunately, adds the lactose back in.
A simple, reliable way to check if your cheese is lactose free is to read the label – if the cheese has 0 grams of sugar (remember, lactose is milk sugar), then that cheese is likely lactose-free.
So how do you enjoy pizza if you are lactose intolerant? Easy – make your own pizza with one or more lactose-free cheeses! Most restaurants will also make your pizza with cheese that you provide for them, at no additional cost. All you have to do is ask.
Despair not, pizza lovers! You can have your lactose-free cheese on your pizza and enjoy the things you love again.